Transformative Journalism is an activating, engaging, solution-focused approach to covering news. It does not ignore serious issues facing our world; it covers them in depth in a way that activates the belief that our behavior matters, enables social engagement from readers and viewers, and provides actionable solutions to the issues covered.
Groundbreaking research across the globe reveals that our current media and advertising model is inefficient and fails to take into account one key element: the psychological state induced by the preceding and surrounding content.
In brief, research shows that a positive, engaged mental state directly impacts key measures of advertising effectiveness, including memory recall, feelings toward the brand and likelihood to purchase.
Studies show engaging content people feel positive about result in more shares, attract a bigger and better audience, and for the brand linked to this content, it leads to greater advertising effectiveness.
Get the Journalist
Transformative Journalism is better for advertisers, better for the bottom line, better for the public’s health, and better for society.
Listen to Michelle discuss Transformative Journalism in this radio interview.

Solutions Journalism Network
SJN trains and connects journalists to cover what’s missing in today’s news: how people are responding to problems. The organization has partnered with 155 newsrooms internationally and more than 10,000 journalists to bring solutions journalism to every community worldwide. So far, affiliated journalists have published more than 6000 high quality, high impact stories.

What’s Good in Englewood
Search for Englewood, a Chicago neighborhood, and you’ll get numerous news reports with crimes, murders, and guns. Frustrated hearing only about the terrible things happening in Englewood, Rashanah Baldwin made it her mission to broadcast the positive stories that were also happening in her community, and What’s Good in Englewood was born.

IVOH Restorative Narratives
IVOH, Images & Voices of Hope, is a non-profit dedicated to changing the way media works, believing that media agents can help change the world for the better. They share news that embodies the world we want to live in, share solutions to the tough questions, and highlight those who are already creating a difference. In addition to sharing news stories of hope, they host an annual media summit, hold local conversations, and provide a Fellowship program for five journalists to allow them the time to report on a Restorative Narrative..

NW Indiana Life
Chris Mahlmann left behind the trading floors to create an online news network of Good News. In a mere six years, he and his team have cultivated an impressive 60,000 readers and built libraries of positive content with over 50,000 articles, 60,000 events, 800 videos and 2600 organizations or people contributing to their network.

The Positive Animal
The Positive Animal is a website that curates and showcases positive content on animal rights, human-interest news, veganism and vegetarianism from all over the world. The site is a launchpad for anyone looking to bring positive psychology and happiness tools to their advocacy.

Coda Story
This New-York based journalism start-up is transforming how we report on crises. Instead of focusing on multiple breaking-news crises, Coda Story picks one issue, and covers it in-depth for up to a year. This allows for readers to really learn about the story and an anecdote to media stories that just raise fears and questions without providing solutions. is a site where readers can find the latest positive business news, including info on job postings, communities, startups and innovative companies. Stories are sorted by state, so readers can find news and opportunities that are applicable and specific to them and their community.

What’s Working
This is The Huffington Post‘s dedicated section to empowering, solutions-focused news, called What’s Working. Stories are gathered from all over the world, showcasing individuals and organizations who are making real changes. Coverage is centered on “the stories of creativity, innovation, ingenuity and compassion the media too often overlooks.”