Featured in
Oprah’s Lifeclass
As managers, colleagues, parents and friends, we are constantly transmitting information to the people around us, and the messages we choose to broadcast create success or hold us back.
New research from the fields of positive psychology and neuroscience shows that small shifts in the way we communicate can create big ripple effects on business and educational outcomes, including 31 percent higher productivity, 25 percent better performance ratings, 37 percent higher sales, and 23 percent lower levels of stress.
In Broadcasting Happiness, Michelle Gielan, former national CBS News anchor turned positive psychology researcher, shows you how changing your broadcast changes your power by sharing jaw-dropping stories and incredible research.
Learn Michelle’s simple research-based communication habits that have been featured in PBS program Inspire Happiness and Oprah’s 21 Days to Happiness class.
“[Broadcasting Happiness will] inspire you and change your life.”
Broadcasting Happiness will help you:
- Inoculate your brain against stress and negativity by fact-checking challenges
- Drive success by leading a conversation or communication with positivity
- Rewrite debilitating thought patterns and turn them into fuel for resilience and growth
- Deal with negative people in a way that lessens their power
- Share bad news more effectively to increase future social capital
- Create and sustain a positive culture at work by creating contagious optimism
- Help the people you care about most move from negative to positive in seconds

“Michelle Gielan is one of the brightest stars in positive psychology and an eloquent champion for rethinking the way we communicate.”

“Broadcasting Happiness is a truly exceptional book, one that will help you to be better and more effective in work and life right away.”
New York Times bestselling author of Strengths-Based
Leadership and Eat Move Sleep

“Broadcasting Happiness is an inspiring book on radically rethinking the way we communicate with others. Michelle Gielan is a gifted storyteller, and she shares powerful science practical insights for improving the world around us.”
Wharton professor and New York Times bestselling
author of Give and Take

“Broadcasting Happiness taps into our power as individuals to lead collective positive change simply by altering the way we view and share our everyday experiences. Michelle Gielan is a transformative thought leader and her book will change the way you work, live, and look at the world around you.”
Senior producer, MSNBC